By the time I was 6 years old, I already knew I wanted to work in fashion. So, when I found myself in my twenties working as a stylist for a major global fashion company, it was a dream come true. I became fully immersed in the world of fast fashion, where many young aspiring stylists get their start.

For nearly a decade, I worked for the kind of fashion giants that sell trendy, inexpensive clothing made overseas to young women. As much as I loved my career, my awareness of the darker side of the industry continued to grow. Fashion production comprises 10% of total global carbon emissions. It depletes water resources and pollutes rivers and streams, while 85% of all textiles go to the landfill each year. I knew I wanted to continue working in fashion, but I felt worse and worse about supporting an industry that was destroying the planet.
Serendipitously, two things happened right around the same time that set me on a new path. First, I got the happy news that I was pregnant with my daughter, Juniper. Second, I found out that the company I worked for had gone bankrupt and was shutting down. I was saddened, but not surprised. Cheap, throwaway fashion has always been about the bottom line, not about people or the planet. When I went on maternity leave, I knew I was never coming back.

With more free time than I had ever had in all my years of working, I did what most new moms do when they find out they’re pregnant: I became research obsessed! I wanted to make sure that Juniper had the best books, safest toys, the most sustainable clothing –the most highly-reviewed baby anything. At the same time, as a stylist, it was important to me that items I bought for the nursery fit into the outdoorsy, boho, Western aesthetic that I love. Within my research, I found that there was no one-stop-shop that fit my vibe while also being socially conscious and kind to the planet. I decided to start one myself, and Kit and Wilder was born.
My fast fashion days are long behind me, and I’m so grateful that I now get to combine the skills and experience I honed in the industry to do things the right way- the way I always wished the companies I worked for would have done them. At Kit and Wilder, we respect the earth by offering eco-friendly products, including toys and books that teach kids about the wonders of nature and how to be good stewards of the planet. I only carry brands and products that share these values. If I wouldn’t buy it for Juniper, you won’t find it at Kit and Wilder.
Here’s to slow, simple, and sustainable fashion from here on out.

Apr 03, 2021 • Posted by Thomas M
Cheers to you and all your endeavors. Keep on living the dream and staying true to you!
Apr 03, 2021 • Posted by Nicole
Love the story behind Kit and Wilder! And love the sustainable fashion!
Mar 30, 2021 • Posted by Nelly
You have always been a respectful and loving daughter and have always had good work ethics, I always knew you were going to be great at whatever you put your mind to from being a great daughter to being an amazing mom, and starting your own business , you have brought so much goodness into this world!! So proud of you, Love you ❤️❤️
Mar 30, 2021 • Posted by Anjelica
A great story!! Cheers to you being a fantastic mother and strong role model for your daughter and so many others 🤎
Mar 29, 2021 • Posted by Jennifer Johnson
I love this! It’s so great to have a shop to got to that I can buy essentials for my littles, while simultaneously being conscientious to the planet that we leave behind for them:)
Mar 29, 2021 • Posted by Elsie
Love how eco-friendly Kit and Wilder is! 💕
Mar 29, 2021 • Posted by Susan Mazzei
Thank you for sharing your story because it shows your stewardship and your excellence in providing baby clothes and toys that are socially conscious and good for our planet. You can lead the way for others with your integrity in product by putting the children and our planet first.
Mar 29, 2021 • Posted by Wendy
Like so many women, I bought from fast fashion companies growing up because it was a cheap, easy, and available. I am so grateful that more of us are now making the switch to supporting more sustainable companies like Kit and Wilder. So proud of you for building your business around your ethics. <3
Mar 29, 2021 • Posted by Maira
Love your story. Thank you for being kind to our planet and providing beautiful clothing and products 🌸
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